Sunday Bible Reflections

The Sacrament of Matrimony

What God Has Joined: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

In today’s Gospel, the Pharisees try to trap Jesus with a trick question.

The “lawfulness” of divorce in Israel was never an issue. Moses had long ago allowed it (see Deuteronomy 24:1–4). But Jesus points His enemies back before Moses, to “the beginning,” interpreting the text we hear in today’s First Reading.

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Moses Elects the Seventy Elders

To Belong to Christ: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Twenty-sixth Sunday Ordinary Time

Today’s Gospel begins with a scene that recalls a similar moment in the history of Israel, the episode recalled in today’s First Reading. The seventy elders who receive God’s Spirit through Moses prefigure the ministry of the Apostles.

Like Joshua in the First Reading, John makes the mistake of presuming that only a select few are inspired and entrusted to carry out God’s plans. The Spirit blows where it wills (see John 3:8), and God desires to bestow His Spirit on all the people of God in every nation under heaven (see Acts 2:5, 38).

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Christ Showing a Little Child

Servant of All: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In today’s First Reading, it’s like we have our ears pressed to the wall and can hear the murderous grumblings of the elders, chief priests, and scribes—who last week Jesus predicted would torture and kill Him (see Mark 8:31; 10:33–34).

The liturgy invites us to see this passage from the Book of Wisdom as a prophecy of the Lord’s Passion. We hear His enemies complain that “the Just One” has challenged their authority, reproached
them for breaking the law of Moses, for betraying their training as leaders and teachers.

Servant of All: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Read More »

Christ Taking Leave of the Apostles

Following the Messiah: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In today’s Gospel, we reach a pivotal moment in our walk with the Lord. After weeks of listening to His words and witnessing His deeds, along with the disciples we’re asked to decide who Jesus
truly is.

Peter answers for them, and for us, too, when he declares: “You are the Messiah.” Many expected the Messiah to be a miracle worker who would vanquish Israel’s enemies and restore the kingdom
of David (see John 6:15).

Following the Messiah: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Read More »

The Pharisees Question Jesus

Pure Religion: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today’s Gospel casts Jesus in a prophetic light as one having authority to interpret God’s law.

Jesus’ quotation from Isaiah today is ironic (see Isaiah 29:13). In observing the law, the Pharisees honor God by ensuring that nothing unclean passes their lips. In this, however, they’ve turned the law inside out, making it a matter of simply performing certain external actions.

Pure Religion: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Read More »

Wisdom’s Feast: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Wisdom of God has prepared a feast, we hear in today’s First Reading.

We must become like children (see Matthew 18:3–4) to hear and accept this invitation. For in every Eucharist, it is the folly of the Cross that is represented and renewed.

To the world, it is foolishness to believe that the crucified Jesus rose from the dead. And for many, as for the crowds in today’s Gospel, it is foolishness—maybe even madness—to believe that Jesus can give us His Flesh to eat.

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The Assumption of the Virgin

Scott Hahn Reflects on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On this feast, we praise God who has taken the sinless Virgin Mary, body and soul, into His glory.

In our first reading, from Revelation, we find God’s temple in heaven opened and the Ark of the Covenant revealed. The most sacred item in Israel’s history, the Ark had been missing since the Temple’s destruction in 586 B.C. Thus, John reports some startling news. Even more startling is his revelation that the sacred vessel is now a woman, who is mother of the royal Son of David, the Messiah.

Scott Hahn Reflects on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Read More »

The Prophet Elijah in the Desert

Take and Eat: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sometimes we feel like Elijah in today’s First Reading. We want to lie down and die, keenly aware of our failures—that we seem to be getting no better at doing what God wants of us.

We can be tempted to despair, as the prophet was on his forty-day journey in the desert. We can be tempted to “murmur” against God, as the Israelites did during their forty years in the desert (see Exodus 16:2, 7, 8; 1 Corinthians 10:10).

Take and Eat: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Read More »